group training, bootcamps & workshops
From onsite intensive retreats, to two-day onsite workshops, BBII’s experience trainers enable you to get the best out of your team.
We have conducted a wide range of workshops for top tier clients, including:
Group training California, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming and the Washington DC Metro area
Group Workshops and training in Systems Engineering & Enterprise Architecture now available in Wyoming
“Modernize Your Workforce” seminars
NASA System Engineering Workshops: introduce key SE concepts and tools and their applications to daily workflow in a 2 day onsite workshop.
NASA Systems Analysis Working Group, create roadmap for common set of tools and practices across all 10 Centers.
Developing integrated tools and practices for Northrop Grumman AS and IS sectors. Including UML and Systems Engineering Tools and practices.
Nanyang Technical University SLATE and SE process training.
aEA Enterprise Architecture and Enterprise Engineering Boot camps
Tech 24: use systems engineering principles and practices to collaboratively develop a technology plan for TSTC and the state of Texas in a 24 hour retreat.
Naval Air Weapon Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD) China Lake and Point Mugu: Engineering Systems for Navy Interoperability, Writing Software and Systems Requirements and Writing Testable Requirements
Naval Surface Weapons Center Port Hueneme (NSWC PHD) received training on Writing Software and System Requirements (2015 and 2016) and Applied Systems Engineering for Logisticians
Workshops held for Naval Air Ware Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD): Enterprise Architecture Boot camps, Cyber Security Event: Cloud Security and FedRAMP, DIARMF, Introduction to Accumulo, Hacking and Penetration Testing Tools.
Programs: Association of Enterprise Architects 3 month Boot Camps, Air Force Cyber Network AEA Boot Camp, Introduction to Cyber Security and Emergent Architecture.
JIT Courses delivered to Baylor University, SAIC, INCOSE, NASA and Northrup Grumman Corporation: Various skills courses for Integrated Program Management, Test and Systems Engineering